Cover Image for curiosities demo night – share your interests and passions
Cover Image for curiosities demo night – share your interests and passions
Avatar for kizuna collective
Presented by
kizuna collective
we host cozy events in tokyo to foster connection & curiosity
26 Going
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event


do you have a personal interest that you rarely get to share about? this is your chance!

in this curiosities demo night, we will gather to show and tell each other about whatever we are personally curious about. it will be a chance to invite others into your realm of interest, explore topics you might not even know existed, and connect about the things you love.

besides registering on this event page, please also sign up with a topic here:

🔍 details

when? thursday sept 26th, 19:00-21:00 (doors open 18.30)
where? code chrysalis, motoazabu
who? everyone is welcome!
cost? free
language? english & japanese (but you only need to know 1)
refreshments? we will serve drinks and light snacks

⚙️ how it works

  • sign up with a topic of personal interest here:

  • in the event, we will gather in circles and take turns talking about our topics for 3-5 min, each time followed by a conversation among everyone.

  • this event is bilingual, but participants only need to know english or japanese. if you want, this will be a good chance to practice your language skills in a supportive space. it will be possible to present either in japanese, or english.

  • it is okay to attend the event just to listen.

⏳ agenda

18.30 - doors open / mingle
19.00 - intro & check-in
19.15 - topic sharing
20.30 - final round of reflections
20.45 - wrap up

⚠️ if you can’t attend

we kindly ask you to cancel your rsvp if you decide not to attend. this helps us know the number of participants and opens up the spot for others who want to join the event.


Code Chrysalis
〒106-0046 Tokyo, Minato City, Motoazabu, 3 Chome−1−35 Vort元麻布 B2F
google maps link
8min walk from roppongi station
if you have trouble finding the entrance to the building, give us a call @ 070-4449-2279

🌱 about the organizers

This event is a collaboration between Code Chrysalis and kizuna collective

Code Chrysalis

Code Chrysalis is a Silicon Valley-style coding boot camp based in Tokyo.

Their mission is to make Japan a software leader, promote and recruit more women in technical careers, and build a community for anyone interested in technology.

They help companies to upskill and reskill engineering teams by providing coding training and DX mindset workshops. Current and previous clients include Mercari, NRI, TRI-AD Dojo, Akamai, Toyota, and more.

They also help people make career transitions into software engineering for individuals. They offer a range of part-time and full-time courses, remote or held on-site.

kizuna collective

kizuna collective is a group of friendly people of all ages in tokyo who value curiosity, authenticity, and vulnerability. We're building an alternative to ordinary modes of socializing (parties & bars, unfulfilling conversations, spending a lot of yen) by hosting a diverse range of cozy, unconventional gatherings focused on forging meaningful 'kizuna' (絆 – connections, bonds of belonging).

if you want to participate in our community discussions, co-create future events, and see photos from our events, feel free to join our community discord server where we stay connected between our gatherings.

you can also follow us here & on Instagram for updates on upcoming events ❤️

普段あまり話せないあなたの興味があることや情熱を持っていることはありませんか? ここで他の人と共有しましょう!

このCuriosities Demo Nightでは、みんながそれぞれ個人的に興味を持っていることを紹介し合います。あなたの興味の世界に他の人を招き入れたり、今まで知らなかったトピックを探求したり、好きなことについてつながりを深める絶好の機会です。


🔍 詳細

日時: 9月26日(木)19:00〜21:00(開場18:30)
場所: Code Chrysalis(元麻布)
参加対象: どなたでも歓迎!
費用: 無料
使用言語: 英語&日本語(どちらか一方でもOK)
軽食: 飲み物と軽食を提供します

⚙️ イベントの進行

  • プレゼンテーションで話したいトピックをこちらから登録してください:

  • イベント当日は、サークルを作り、順番に3〜5分ほどトピックを話し、その後みんなでディスカッションを行います。

  • このイベントはバイリンガルで行いますが、参加者は英語か日本語のどちらかが話せれば十分です。もし希望があれば、リラックスした環境で言語スキルを練習するチャンスにもなります。発表は日本語または英語のどちらでも可能です。

  • 聞くだけの参加も歓迎します。

⏳ スケジュール

18:30 - 開場・交流
19:00 - オープニング&チェックイン
19:15 - プレゼンテーションタイム
20:30 - 振り返り
20:45 - クロージング

⚠️ 参加できなくなった場合



Code Chrysalis
〒106-0046 東京都港区元麻布3丁目1−35 VORT元麻布 B2F
Google Mapsリンク


🌱 主催者について

このイベントは、Code ChrysalisとKizuna Collectiveの共催です。

Code Chrysalis

Code Chrysalisは、東京を拠点にしたシリコンバレー型のコーディングブートキャンプです。


企業向けには、コーディングトレーニングやデジタル変革のマインドセットワークショップを提供しており、これまでにメルカリ、NRI、TRI-AD Dojo、Akamai、トヨタなどがクライアントに含まれています。


Kizuna Collective

Kizuna Collectiveは、好奇心、真実性、そしてオープンさを大切にする、東京のさまざまな年齢層の人々の集まりです。パーティーやバー、満足のいかない会話、高額な出費とは異なる、心地よく独創的な集まりを通じて、意義のある「絆」(絆 – つながり、帰属意識の絆)を築く場を提供しています。



Code Chrysalis: Coding Bootcamp in Tokyo
Japan, 〒106-0046 Tokyo, Minato City, Motoazabu, 3-chōme−1−35 Vort元麻布 B2F
the venue is in the basement 2nd floor. walk into the first door facing the street, and take the elevator on your right to get down.
Avatar for kizuna collective
Presented by
kizuna collective
we host cozy events in tokyo to foster connection & curiosity
26 Going