Cover Image for DAO Experiments in Taiwan:The 3-Year Practice of FAB DAO and the Vision of a Crypto-Symbiotic Society
Cover Image for DAO Experiments in Taiwan:The 3-Year Practice of FAB DAO and the Vision of a Crypto-Symbiotic Society
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DAO Experiments in Taiwan:The 3-Year Practice of FAB DAO and the Vision of a Crypto-Symbiotic Society

Hosted by FAB DAO
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Self-Organized Side Event of RightsCon 2025 in Taipei

DAO Experiments in Taiwan:
The 3-Year Practice of FAB DAO (Formosa Art Bank DAO) and the Vision of a Crypto-Symbiotic Society

FAB DAO 的3年實踐與數位共生社會的想像

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, its intersection with social practice remains an open frontier. Among these innovations, DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) have emerged as a powerful experiment in governance and collaboration worldwide.

Taiwan’s vibrant digital civic ecosystem has fostered the growth of FAB DAO (Formosa Art Bank DAO). Since launching the Project % NFT initiative in 2022, FAB DAO has been exploring decentralized collaboration, partnering with nonprofits, and actively participating in public goods funding within the global blockchain community.

So far, Project % NFTs have around 400 holders, with 30 core contributors driving initiatives like Action Lounge, Art Bank, SupraProof Lab, and Green Sofa, each tackling different aspects of decentralized governance and digital public goods.

In 2025, FAB DAO contributor Mashbean will present "The Digital Transformation’s Guide to the Sovereign & Solidarity", tracing the pursuit of democracy and freedom through cryptography and the internet’s evolution—uncovering DAO’s potential in the process.

With RightsCon coming to East Asia for the first time, we aim to bring Taiwan’s perspective to the conversation, sharing our DAO experiences and envisioning a more open and responsible digital society.

區塊鏈技術在2010年代持續開展,技術的潛力與社會實踐交織的探索仍待有志者在前沿拓荒。其中,DAO(decentralized autonomous organization,去中心化自治組織)的概念興起,從詮釋到實際行動,在世界各地都展開了多樣的實驗。

台灣有著充滿活力的數位公民社會土壤,FAB DAO(Formosa Art Bank DAO)在這樣的環境中孕育並茁壯。自FAB DAO 2022 年發行NFT專案 —— 百岳計畫(Project %) 以來,不間斷的行動已邁入第三年。我們持續推動與非營利組織合作的 NFT 計畫,並透過自身的運作,練習與反覆驗證「分散式」社群 / 組織的協作模式。同時,我們也積極參與、推廣國際區塊鏈社群的公共財平方募資計畫,在第一線研究區塊鏈技術如何在公共領域發揮作用。


目前,FAB DAO 百岳計畫(Project %) 的NFT持有者,約有400位,而持續性的活躍貢獻者,大約有30位左右透過行動客廳、藝術銀行、超證實驗室、綠沙發等不同的小組,在不同切角的題目上持續前進。

2025 年,FAB DAO 貢獻者黃豆泥更以《戍衛轉型指南》為題,從密碼龐克與網際網路的發展當中,爬梳各時代技術對於「民主」與「自由」的追求,並從中看見 DAO 的潛力。我們將在本次的聚會當中進行更進一步的分享!

適逢全球數位人權大會(RightsCon) 首次於東亞舉辦之際,我們希望從台灣的視角切入區塊鏈與公民科技領域,分享自身的DAO實踐經驗,並且勇敢地對數位社會的未來提出想像。

誠摯邀請 🙌


(from FAB DAO 黃豆泥)

》節點共識大會精華|DAO 低潮?還是新階段?- 有大有小
(from SeeDAO)

No. 25, Ganzhou St, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan 103
Hosted By
20 Went