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Calendar events for the Joburg chapter! - Networking Events - Global Entreprenuership Week: #GEW24 - Bootcamps, Competitions, Seminars & Webinars

Share The Codes - Joburg

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Johannesburg, Gauteng
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About Event

"South Africa’s online grocery market is poised for significant growth, with the market value expected to reach R80bn by 2026, and potentially R120bn to R130bn by 2029.

According to Statista’s Digital Market Outlook, the number of e-commerce users in South Africa is forecast to grow from 11.7 million in 2025 to 21.52 million by 2029, reflecting the increasing shift toward online retail across the country." ~ Bizcommunity

Zulzi has entered the chat!!!

Donald Vutlharhi Valoyi, CEO & Cofounder of Zulzi has been at the forefront of the digital evolution in e-commerce in South Africa for more than a decade and their bets are paying off in the biggest of ways. If you've seen those bright green Checkers Sixty60 scooters on the road then yo can appreciate their impact as a majority black-owned high growth startup in South Africa.

​Our Black Founders Story Series, The R100 Million+ Turnover Club is aimed at learning what you can't find in the textbook about the incredible journeys of high impact entrepreneurs who look and talk like us. We're looking forward to closing the year on a high with Vutlhari's story and the opportunities awaiting entrepreneurs during the celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week 2024 at the campus!

About Us:

Share The Codes, is a peer-to-peer community that helps entrepreneurs to test ideas, network and learn from each other as well as industry leaders.

The Johannesburg Business School Centre for Entrepreneurship (JBSCE) under the Johannesburg Business School forms part of the University of Johannesburg. At the JBSCE, we provide integrated entrepreneurial development support, aimed at building the culture of entrepreneurship, developing start-ups and existing businesses for increased participation in the economy.

Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) is an international initiative that introduces entrepreneurship to young people in six continents. GEW emerged in 2008 as a result of Enterprise Week UK and Entrepreneurship Week USA 2007. Since its creation, more than 10 million people from roughly 170 countries have participated in entrepreneurship-related events, activities and competitions during GEW.

This annual event occurs over the span of one week and includes the participation of millions of entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, researchers, educators, entrepreneurship support organizations and interested individuals. Currently, 165 countries celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week running national campaigns that generate approximately 35,000 events, activities and competitions.

Get ready to connect, engage and contribute to each other's success.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Johannesburg, Gauteng
Avatar for Share The Codes - Joburg
Calendar events for the Joburg chapter! - Networking Events - Global Entreprenuership Week: #GEW24 - Bootcamps, Competitions, Seminars & Webinars