Cover Image for Let's look up your free to paid conversion rate together!
Cover Image for Let's look up your free to paid conversion rate together!
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Events for indie journalists running their own businesses (newsletters, podcasts, outlets)
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Let's look up your free to paid conversion rate together!

Past Event
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About Event

How many of your free readers become paying subscribers? Don't you want to know? I do!

I'm running a community survey for indie newsrooms and solo journalists writing newsletters on FREE to PAID conversion.

This event is so we can pull that data together. If you don't love analytics OR you don't know where to find this data, please join us! I will help and we'll figure out this answer.

Why should you come?

  • I will help you learn more about your current analytics and how to read them

  • You will help your fellow journalists who are starting and growing publications have more confidence this whole business of news is working and will continue to work

We believe...but the data also helps!

Who should come

  • Journalists and micro newsroom teams

  • Worker-owned newsrooms (and other types of indie collectives)

  • Solo journalists writing newsletters

  • Freelance journalists

This event is run by Lex Roman of Journalists Pay Themselves. I'm a subscription marketer who used to work in tech and now wants to boost MRR for journalists going into business for themselves.

Learn more about Lex Roman and learn more about what we're doing with this data.

Avatar for Journalists Pay Themselves
Events for indie journalists running their own businesses (newsletters, podcasts, outlets)
Hosted By