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Funding and Support for Commercializing Medical Technologies and Regenerative Therapies

We invite you to hear from, and network with IP and commercialization experts who develop strong intellectual property strategies and fund the development of Ontario-made medical innovations. Your technology or company could be the next success story!

Keynote presentation:

Natalie Raffoul, Brion Raffoul LLP, Managing Partner

  • World-renowned expert in the patenting of software, business methods, and AI/ML

  • IAM Strategy 300: The World’s Leading IP Strategists

  • Appointed to Ontario government’s only Expert Panel on Commercializing IP in Ontario

Other key guests from:

  • Intellectual Property Ontario (IPON)

  • Toronto Innovation Acceleration Partners (TIAP)

  • Health Innovation Hub (H2i)

  • Medicine by Design (MBD)

  • Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI)

  • UofT, Hospital and Community Commercialization experts

  • Entrepreneurs-in-Residence

This event is sponsored by IPON, which funded an Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) program launched by UofT's Innovation & Partnership Office. The EIR program will advance medical technologies and regenerative medicine research, from the labs of UofT and it’s teaching hospitals, to the market.


3:00 pm – Registration

3:10 pm – Welcome and Overview

3:15 pm – Keynote: Natalie Raffoul, Brion Raffoul LLP

Unlocking Ontario’s Innovation: A Strategic Framework for Intellectual Property and Commercialization

3:45 pm – IPON: Dawn Landry, Sr. Director

Intellectual Property Ontario and Available Grants

4:05 pm – TIAP: Mobeen Lalani, Prakash Gowd

Building Ontario's Life Sciences Ventures

4:25 pm – Panel Discussion: How can the ecosystem empower your commercialization goals?

Bharti Ranavaya, UHN, Moderator

Prof Paul Santerre, UofT, H2i Director

Allison Brown, MBD, Executive Director

Feiran Zhou, OCI, Manager

David Simpson, MedTech Executive/Entrepreneur

5:10 pm – Closing Remarks  

5:15 pm - 6:00 pm - Reception and Networking

Refreshments and Food Served

Myhal Centre for Engineering Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MY)
55 St George St, Toronto, ON M5S 0C9, Canada
Ground Floor