Cover Image for Vancouver Circle Songs - Fall Jam 🍂
Cover Image for Vancouver Circle Songs - Fall Jam 🍂
29 Went

Vancouver Circle Songs - Fall Jam 🍂

Hosted by Rithikha Rajamohan
Past Event
Welcome! To join the event, please register below.
About Event

Come out for an evening of impromptu jamming and beat-layering. Circle singing is a spontaneous vocal jam (you can think of it as an improvised, collaborative choir of sorts). It's one of the earliest forms of music-making and is practiced by cultures all over the world.

No singing ability necessary, just the desire to make a beat together. So bring your voices (of all ages), instruments, or whatever else you can think of.

We'll begin our Circle with some games to get comfortable, followed by small group improvisation and some full group jams to wrap up the night. You're welcome to participate as much or as a little as you'd like; our focus will be on creating a safe, comfortable space for open experimentation :)

What to bring?
Feel free to bring a water bottle to stay hydrated and/or something comfortable to sit on, such as a pillow or yoga mat. We will have some elevated seating available as well. As winter comes around the corner we also ask you take a covid test before hand and stay home if you're not feeling well, there will be more Circles in the future!

The Give-What-You-Wish Model
We operate on a give what you wish model. This can mean a number things, including buying a solidarity ticket to go towards facilitators and future events, a donation to the community venue, connecting people and passing along resources of all shapes and sizes, or simply (but perhaps most importantly) sharing your presence with us; we all have something to contribute to the collective chorus.

V6A Collaborative is a civic organization working to create and support shared social, ecological and technical infrastructure in neighbourhoods. The Open Democracy node explores how we can re-imagine civic participation and strengthen the social fabric of cities. Circle singing, like participatory democracy approaches to governance, honours our need to be heard (over being right/establishing full consensus) and is a practice of creating a whole much greater than the sum of its individual parts.

Notional Space is where we live. It is also the home of great community events; musical, literary, theatrical, activist, and whatever else can be dreamed-up by the creative community who bring depth and vibrancy to Vancouver. These events are run exclusively on gift economy principles and we'd love to see you at each and every event we host - not only to support those who bring light and heat, pop and frizz to our world, but because you deserve evenings this good.

DWeb YVR is a community of technologists, artists, urbanists and others who plan local events for people to meet each other, exchange knowledge, and deepen connections. We stand for technology that enables the primacy of people as beneficiaries of the technology, by upholding their security, privacy and self-determination. We aim for peer-to-peer relationships, rather than hierarchical control and power imbalance.

Notional Space
1523 E Pender St, Vancouver, BC V5L 1V9, Canada
29 Went