Cover Image for 2023 Next-gen Leadership in Philanthropy 国际慈善项目规划设计研学 - 试听课

2023 Next-gen Leadership in Philanthropy 国际慈善项目规划设计研学 - 试听课

Past Event
Ticket Price
SGD 100.00
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About Event


9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

​A deep dive into how teenagers can participate in charitable public welfare and how to cultivate social leadership. Through lectures, understand the profound impact social influence can have on individuals and society as a whole. At the same time, for the second generation with a family legacy, they can also understand how to pass on wealth through charity and live a positive and meaningful life.

​We will introduce the concept of design thinking and explore how to use the methods of design thinking to promote the innovative integration and strategic design of business and charitable projects. During the course, participants can also gain valuable insights into intergenerational wealth inheritance and sustainable development of family businesses through interaction, sharing, and learning from practical experiences.

​Possible modules may contain:

  • ​Foundations of Philanthropy

  • ​Design Thinking in Philanthropy

  • ​The Rise of the Next Generation

  • ​Challenges and Opportunities in Modern Philanthropy

  • ​Workshop: Building Your Philanthropic Project


Dr. Cheng Yu-Chao Jack

​Principal Assistant Director, Head of Greater China and Faculty member at IP Academy, Intellectual Property Office of Singapore International (IPOS-I)

Viswa Sadasivan

​Former Member of Parliament in Singapore, graduate of Harvard Kennedy School.


David Steel Executive Director of UL Standards & Engagement and he holds a PhD degree in Physics from MIT and the Harvard advanced leadership fellow.

Faye Lo Founder of Venture Philanthropy of Sky9 Capital, Founder of Singapore Good Soil Foundation

Miao Shiming Artist, Public Welfare Lecturer at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Founder of WABC Accessible Artwalk.

Shirley Pan Founder and Chairman of Adream Foundation.

Zheng Wei Co-founder and Chief Advisor of Singapore AFG, Co-founder of Singapore Trust.


​Limited slots, Register as soon as possible!






  • ​慈善基础

  • ​慈善中的设计思维

  • ​下一代的崛起

  • ​现代慈善中的挑战与机遇

  • ​工作坊:构建您的慈善项目


​郑猷超 教授: 新加坡国立大学工程领袖学院, 新加坡知识产权局国际事务机构首席助理司长/大中华区负责人

​Viswa Sadasivan: 新加坡前国会议员,哈佛肯尼迪学院研究生


​David Steel UL Standards & Engagement 执行总监,他拥有麻省理工学院物理学博士,哈佛大学高级领导力研究员。

​卢菲娅: 云九资本公益创投创始人,新加坡好土慈善基金会创始人

​苗世明: 艺术家,北京大学光华学院公益讲师,WABC无障碍艺途创始人


​郑伟: 新加坡 AFG 新联合益创始人兼首席顾问,新加坡信托联合创始人

​莫凡: 麦田教育基金会创始人

​名额有限 极速报名