Cover Image for SF Systems Meetup: Foundations and Frameworks
Cover Image for SF Systems Meetup: Foundations and Frameworks
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Presented by
SF Systems Club
109 Going
Past Event
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About Event

The SF Systems Meetup is back! This time, we are excited to have talks focused on frameworks for distributed systems and new ways to reason about their core properties. This meetup is generously hosted by Databricks at their SF office.

We are excited to have Ben Hindman, co-creator of Apache Mesos and founder of Mesosphere/D2iQ and, present Resemble: a brand-new framework for building safe distributed applications with ease. We will also have several lightning talks from community members. Food and drinks will be provided!


  • 5:30 PM: Doors Open, Food and Socializing

  • 6:30 - 7:30: Introductions and Talks

  • 7:30-: Community Socializing!

Headline Talk

With the rise of cloud-native development, organizations have been faced with a difficult decision: attempt to scale their applications as monoliths or break their applications into microservices and suffer from data/ownership siloes that make it difficult to query and manage state. They have been forced to make uncomfortable tradeoffs. We believe this is a false choice, we're just missing the right abstractions.

This talk will introduce Resemble: a “transactional microservices” framework that allows you to write code with the simplicity of a monolith (straightforward function calls composed via transactions), but with the scalability of microservices (encapsulation of data and ownership, support for polyglot components, independent deploys, etc). We'll explain Resembles programming model and how it enables developers to build safe applications and business processes, as well as how it dramatically simplifies building full-stack applications thanks to transitive reactivity, one of the core primitives provided by Resemble.

Lightning Talks

  • Fadhil Kurnia (UMass Amherst) - Towards Declarative Replication

  • Li Shen (PingCap) - Lessons Learned from the Design of TiDB

  • David Chu (UC Berkeley) - Automatically Optimizing Distributed Protocols

160 Spear St
San Francisco, CA 94105, USA
Take the elevator to the 14th floor
Avatar for SF Systems Club
Presented by
SF Systems Club
109 Going