Past Event
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About Event

We're excited to welcome you to Day 1 of the Proud Summit. We've used our networks to bring together the top queer operators and investors to democratise their advice and expertise to you.

Attendees will be able to leave and arrive only during breaks. We are looking likely to be over capacity, so will unfortunately have to turn people away if you arrive and we are already full. If you leave and we are at capacity, unfortunately we will not be able to allow you back into the venue until someone else leaves.


130-19:20 - Panels & Workshops
19:20-21:00 - Founder Drinks Social

Running Order

1:00-1:40 - Arrival, Collect Name Badges & Pre-Event Migling.

1:40-2:00 - Welcome & Intro from Proud Ventures.

2:00-2:45 - Session 1 - Raising your first cheque as an LGBTQ+ Founder (Oliver Beach Lukky Ahmed Kiran Sharma)

2:45-3:30 - Session 2 - B2B sales and strategy (Mandeep soor)

3:30-4:00 - Break & Founder Mingling.

4:00-4:40 - Identity & Mental Health as an LGBTQ+ Founder (Jupiter lee butz & Jaron Soh)

4:40-5:10 - Scaling a Founding Team (Nick Telson-Sillett)

5:10-5:40 - Break & Founder Mingling

5:40-6:25 - Experience from Monzo & Pleo as a High-Growth CTO (Meri Williams)

6:25-7:10 - How To Negotiate With Investors (Jose Campos, Harry briggs & Simon Blakey)

7:10-7:20 - Wrapup & Thank Yous

7:20-9:00 - Founder Drinks & Social