
由 Asia Family Office Foundation 和 The Y.Elites Association 菁英會 主办

We cordially invite you to attend the Family Office Seminar co-hosted by The Y. Elites Association and the Asian Family Office Foundation.


We are pleased to have Dr Michael Chan (Honorary Chairman of Legacy Academy), Mr Anthony Lau (Deloitte Private’s Hong Kong Leader), Mr Michael Kung (Famille Trust Limited Managing Director), Professor Winnie Peng (Director of Roger King Center for Asian Family Business and Family Office) and Mr Michael Wong (Co-President of Asia Family Office Foundation) as our guest speakers to share with us.


The agenda includes a special topic sharing on family succession as well as a panel discussion on the development trends and potential opportunities of the Hong Kong family office industry. Our guest speakers will also delve into the current business landscape of family offices, covering investment strategies, risk management, and challenges faced by private wealth management institutions.


Organizers: The Y. Elites Association and Asian Family Office Foundation (AFOF)

主辦機構:香港菁英會(金融研究會)及 亞洲家族辦公室基金會 (AFOF)

Co-organizer: Center for Family Business and Family Office Studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Famille Trust Limited

協辦機構:香港科技大學金樂琦亞洲家族企業與家族辦公室研究中心   及 家承信託有限公司

Venue Sponsor: Deloitte Private

場地贊助︰Deloitte Private

Language: Cantonese


Agenda: 流程: 

(1) Special Topic Sharing: The Wisdom of Family Succession

Speaker: Dr Michael Chan (Honorary Chairman of Legacy Academy) (1) 專題分享: 家族傳承的智慧 傳承學院榮譽主席 陳裕光博士

(2) Panel Discussion: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities in the Hong Kong Family Office Industry (2) 小組討論: 香港家庭辦公室趨勢挑戰與機遇


Mr Peter Koo, Vice President of the Asian Family Office Foundation
主持人︰ 亞洲家族辦公室基金會,副會長,顧向聖先生


Prof. Winnie Peng Qian, Director of the Center for Family Business and Family Office Studies at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Mr. Kung Kin-chung, Managing Director of Famille Trust Limited

Mr. Anthony Lau, Deloitte Private’s Hong Kong Leader. Mr. Michael Wong, Co-President of the Asian Family Office Foundation


香港科技大學金樂琦亞洲家族企業與家族辦公室研究中心 彭倩教授

家承信託有限公司董事 龔建聰先生

德勤中國香港民營企業與私人客戶服務領導合伙人 劉明楊先生

亞洲家族辦公室基金會聯席會長 黃敏碩先生

This is an excellent opportunity to exchange with industry experts and gain valuable insights on effective family wealth management and succession planning.


We look forward to meeting you at this thought-provoking event. Seats are limited, so please register early. 我們期待在這場思想盛宴中與您見面。座位有限,請儘早報名。

Confirmation/Notification email of your registration will be sent to you prior to the event. 


Should you have any enquiries, please email us at info@afof.asia.

如有任何疑問,請發送電子郵件至 info@afof.asia

We look forward to having you in the session.


Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu 德勤 • 關黃陳方會計師行
88 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong