Cover Image for WXO Open Campfire: Transformation Trailblazers with Joe Pine
Cover Image for WXO Open Campfire: Transformation Trailblazers with Joe Pine
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184 Going

WXO Open Campfire: Transformation Trailblazers with Joe Pine

Past Event
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About Event

The World Experience Organization (WXO) Campfires are weekly, virtual events where experience innovators from around the world gather to think about, talk about, and figure out how to create better experiences.

Where 'better experiences' means experiences that make people feel more alive, that make more money, and that are good for society and the planet.

Each week, we host the world’s great thinkers and doers in experience – storytellers, creative technologists, neuroscientists, behavioural psychologists, CEOs, investors. They share their ideas, insights, tools, frameworks and lessons. Then we discuss, disagree, and, in small groups and as a group, figure out how to use these tools to create ever better experiences.

In this special Open Campfire, the Experience Economy's original pioneer Joe Pine shares his latest thinking on transformation, and how to apply it to your own experiences. An author, speaker, and management advisor to Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurial start-ups alike, Pine not only coined the term “Experience Economy”, he wrote the book on it, too.

PLEASE NOTE: WXO Campfires are usually exclusively for WXO Members only. We're throwing open the circle for this edition only – but if you'd like to learn more about how to join the community for regular live Campfires, and access the Campfire video archive, and secure tickets to the World Experience Summit in June 2024, go to today.

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Hosted By
184 Going