[orchard] night HT25 no. 5
[orchard] is a home for artists, builders, engineers, writers, and crafters to make something new alongside people who care and inspire.
This evening session involves
focused time for projects
casual demos and chat
Arrive by 7; we will start focused time at 7:15 sharp. We'll have a quieter area and a social + collaborative space.
Your project can be something you’ve been wanting to do, something you might fail at, something you love… as long as it makes you feel alive! We encourage you to do something you can grow over a series of sessions, feel proud of, and present at the end. If you're not sure what, talk to us: we'd love to bounce ideas around!
P.S: The venue owner kindly provides materials for most visual-arts endeavours, if your project is in that realm. We can also support some tech requests.
P.P.S: Please eat beforehand, we'll have snacks. Feel free to request snacks in the sign-up form.
P.P.P.S: We take photos during the sessions, so if you want to be out of photos please find a host and speak to them!