Cover Image for Responsible AI workshop
Cover Image for Responsible AI workshop
38 Going
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About Event


In this session, you'll complete a hands-on lab that will teach you how to debug an AI model using the Responsible AI Dashboard in Azure Machine Learning Studio, to ensure that it performs responsibly and is less harmful.

You'll learn the end-to-end process of data preparation, training the model, deploying the model, then using the dashboard to debug and assess the model for fairness, inclusiveness, transparency, accountability and reliability concerns. You will also learn how to detect and flag text that are unsuitable for end-users, block images that are inappropriate and create applications with a safe and friendly tone.

Prerequisites :

- Basic knowledge of python programming.

- GitHub account: if you don't have a github account, signup using this link:

- Microsoft Azure account: You can create your azure account using this link:

National School Supérieure Polytechnique De Douala
Douala, Cameroon
38 Going