HStC Applicant Mixer
Are you looking to join a Bay Area community house? Is your house looking for new residents? We have tried to make it easier but hosting this regular online mixer event where applicants can meet the houses :)
This is a regular call for community house applicants to learn about HStC houses and for houses to learn about applicants. If you are recruiting for your house please come and introduce your house, say a few words, and meet some of the people who have applied! All are welcome!
These take place every 2 months on the second Wednesday
Joining info here:
1. Primary Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86012575199?pwd=UUFRZkxOZ29vOGVmSVMzcHFIRVdxZz09
Manual Zoom info:
Meeting ID: 860 1257 5199
Passcode: 2023
2. (Backup Link, try if the above fails: https://meet.google.com/orq-sajd-gde)
Useful links
> HStC events google calendar: https://tinyurl.com/mtu63c9s
> Roundup of houses with openings: bit.ly/HSC_housing
> Application that is seen by multiple houses is on http://haight-st-commons.org/