Need Customers? Come Get Ten. We'll All Help.
One of the hardest things we ever do as founders is find our first 100/1000 customers. Even if you have an incredible product, you need critical mass for customer referrals and product-lead growth to be possible.
Getting to that critical mass isn’t something you can usually hire out to a marketing specialist either. Those folks tend to be optimizers, not guerrilla executors (No shade intended — can’t wait until Swell too is ready to bring on an optimizer).
It’s up to us, the founders, to take those first 100-1000 steps —but you don’t have to take them alone.
That’s why we’re coming together this Thursday!
Goal: Get customers. Immediately. With very little money.
Thursday is all about learning by doing, and doing as quickly as we can.
What to bring: 5 ideas that you could test in 1 day for $50 or less. They don’t even have to be for your business! Just need to be adaptable to some business. Think it sounds too hard? It’s not, here’s 5 right now:
A person in a cardboard brain mascot costume handing out “be kind to your mind” Swell free-session flyers outside a mall
Stage tiktok interviews with guys outside a Starbucks about their girlfriend’s reproductive health. If they can name all 4 phases of the menstrual cycle, they get a free Bestie box to gift their partner.
A referral program for AirBnB hosts to give out cards for $10 off 5 guidebook experiences (the host gets $10 everytime someone signs up)
30 LinkedIn messages offering 3 months of free Affinna conference room software for privately operated coworking spaces.
Wear a giant DIY’d pink mustache pumping iron around a college campus with a sign that says “Ask me about my Lyft”.
You’re welcome to take any or all of those for free and figure out how to apply them to your own business — or you can come join the fun where we’ll all contribute, adapt ideas, and run real in-the-moment tests together.
10-11: Whiteboarding session. (Might go to 11:30 depending how many ppl come)
Every participant who has a business introduces it to the group. Be prepared to explain in 2 minutes or less: your current product, who wants it, why?
Each participant writes 5 ideas on the whiteboard (they don’t have to be for you, but they have to be things that you could do a test version of in 1 day with $50).
Each founder picks 1 idea to try today. We can work as a group to help each other adapt the ideas to small testable concepts applied to that particular business
Supply run (we’re talking dollar tree)
prototyping (there’ll be at least 1 Canva expert on deck who can help fellow founders with making stuff look acceptable - it’s me, I’m the expert). As for huge attention-getting posters (or brain mascots), we all learned how to use scissors and glue in elementary school — we can do this.
test test test. By the end of the day, we should each have exposed our product to 50 potential buyers (ideally in our target demographics if we execute this right).
If you’re a founder who’s serious about quick action to get to quick results, then this event is for you. Come one come all.
P.s. no ones catering this, so bring a snack :)