Cover Image for What is DeSci By Aleksandra Smilek

What is DeSci By Aleksandra Smilek

Hosted by Justine, Patricia Gloum & BRAW
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​What is DeSci? All explained!

​Decentralized science (DeSci) aims to offer a decentralized and open alternative to the current scientific system. What Web3 technologies could be useful for DeSci? What projects have already emerged? What does the DeSci landscape look like today? Aleksandra tells us all about it!

Who is Aleksandra Smilek:

Aleksandra Smilek is a senior strategist and creative director with a decade of experience working in tech and creative industries. She is the co-curator of DeSci Paris, work with the deep tech Foresight Institute in San Francisco and has recently joined Wise Ancestors, a biotech organization working for preserving biodiversity using advance genomic science. She is driven by the desire to seamlessly blend technology into society for a better flourishing future. 

In addition to her work, Aleksandra is a public speaker and educator. She has been teaching Blockchain since 2018, managing Kastl, a guild of talents, curating digital art exhibitions since 2015. 

An early adopter, she always loves to play and friendly hack technologies.