Cover Image for Women's Holy Writ: A Conversation with Kathryn Knight Sonntag and Elizabeth Pinborough

Women's Holy Writ: A Conversation with Kathryn Knight Sonntag and Elizabeth Pinborough

Hosted by Elizabeth Pinborough
Past Event
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Join us for a virtual conversation celebrating two exciting new books out this year. Kathryn Knight Sonntag stunningly develops the symbolic and spiritual underpinnings of Mormon theology related to Heavenly Mother in The Mother Tree (Faith Matters, 2022). In The Brain’s Lectionary: Psalms and Observations (BCCPress, 2022), Elizabeth Pinborough creates a spiritual autobiography of her relationship with God through a transformative brain injury. Both these texts explore poetic territory through uniquely feminine lenses on the divine & show the incredible value, depth, and insight women bring to the theological table.