Cover Image for Unveiling Product Stories: How Esoteric Narratives Shape User Experiences
Cover Image for Unveiling Product Stories: How Esoteric Narratives Shape User Experiences
Events hosted by World Information Architecture Association.
42 Went

Unveiling Product Stories: How Esoteric Narratives Shape User Experiences

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About Event

Product Information Architecture (IA) often manifests as a complex web of concepts, where connections aren't always obvious. Typically, these ideas barely make it past the discussion phase in a usable form. Have you ever seen a concept model embraced and utilized beyond immediate, synchronous conversations? If you're like most of us, the answer is probably no.

Product IA is challenging not only to discuss but also to implement effectively because it stretches beyond the visible frameworks of navigation trees and back-end database schemas. It resides in what I call the 'squishy middle'—a space where industry complexities, core user needs, brand identities, and the dynamics of organizational structures must live together to tell a seamless story. In the same way that a story with a plot hole, or a scene that breaks character can disrupt other mediums, our products rely on a cohesive narrative and intentional progressions. 

In this talk, we'll dive into the hidden narratives of product design that influence user experiences more profoundly than we realize. We will explore how to bring these stories to light and use them to foster better collaboration and build thoughtful products that resonate beyond their functional capabilities. 

Speaker Bio

Hailey Reynolds is a Content Designer and Product Architect with experience spanning complex B2B software and engaging consumer apps. Untangling complexity is not just her specialty, but an off-duty pastime. Grounded by her background in Psychology and storytelling, Hailey believes that ethical and inclusive design must start with externalizing the reality that a UX is built on to create authentic, intentional experiences. She is dedicated to carving a fluid space for foundational work in product design that meets organizations where they are.

Join us for an enlightening session at the World IA Café with Hailey Reynolds, where we'll explore the intricacies of Product Information Architecture. This event is organized by the World Information Architecture Association and supported by the Rutgers Master of Business and Science Program. Our speakers, including Hailey, volunteer their expertise, reflecting their deep commitment to the field.

Can't attend the live event? No problem – we'll be recording it for later viewing. Mark your calendars for June 6 and join us for a stimulating discussion at the World IA Café!

Events hosted by World Information Architecture Association.
42 Went