Cover Image for TAKEOVER #1
Cover Image for TAKEOVER #1
Avatar for BM TAKEOVER
Presented by
30 Went
Past Event
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About Event

TAKEOVER is an artist led initiative taking place in the Bright Moments gallery in Berlin.

Anna Lucia and Julian Hespenheide would like to give you a warm welcome back to the rooms of the gallery in Auguststr. 86, where they have planned a program of shows revolving around digital and generative art in the broadest sense. Whether the shows turn out to be big or small is something only the future holds and knows, but together they are creating a space for explorations, experimentations and takeovers.

Coming from a long tradition of squatting („besetzen“) or taking over spaces during the late 80s and 90s, Anna and Julian would like to softly re-introduce the idea of taking over with the now dormant gallery spaces of Bright Moments. Seeing the space as a room with the freedom to experiment that is not just catered to a single group or niche, they feel the recontextualization is going to gradually happen.

Artists with responsive infinite art generators hosted on the web are invited to share their URLs for potential inclusion in the event. Or simply join us in celebrating the start of this TAKEOVER and future takeovers.

This project has a limited runtime.

Bright Moments Berlin Art Gallery
Auguststraße 86, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Avatar for BM TAKEOVER
Presented by
30 Went