Slow VC x Wefranch Franchise Pitches
Come see the fastest growing franchisors pitching multi-unit franchisees live.
Franchising as an avenue for owning a business is exploding.
The audience would get to ask the franchisors questions.
Yoni from Slow Ventures author of Why Venture should care about Franchises
Ericka Garza, Former President of Au Bon Pain, IFA Board Member & Chairwoman for IFA's Hispanic Latino Franchise Leadership Council, Business Consultant
Wolf of Franchises, author of a newsletter on franchising with 26.4K+ subscribers
Neha Govindraj, Founder at Bonside, Co-founder Glowbar
Devin Gilmartin, CEO at The Canvas Global
Pitch Format: 5-minute pitch followed by a 3-minute Q&A from the judges for each presenter. Highlight your story, brand, profit, and scalability to attract multi-unit franchisees or investors. Showcase your brand physically if possible. Slides are optional.
Here is a video from a past event.
Teyoshe Smith, CEO of Bite by Bite
Doobie Duke Sims, Founder of Snow Milk
Lauren Jannelli, CEO of Firm Lab
Marc Geman, CEO of Bambu
if you are interested in sponsoring this and future events, please email gregory.ugwi@wefranch.com