Cover Image for WaveHack Global WebX FINAL DEMODAY🗌
Cover Image for WaveHack Global WebX FINAL DEMODAY🗌
Avatar for Road to WaveHack Global Winter
This is the calendar of KBW's Builder Focus events.

​The venue is a 10-minute walk from the WebX venue.

​🗌​Welcome to WaveHack Global WebX FINAL DEMODAY🗌

​*English is below

​Since April 2024, the WaveHack Global acceleration program has distributed $300K to 500 builders over about four months.

​In July, two DEMODAY events were held in collaboration with IVS Crypto and EDCON, where selected builders from projects like Aptos, ZKsync, and The Graph showcased their demos.

​WaveHack Global IVS Crypto DEMODAY:


​WaveHack Global EDCON DEMODAY:


​On August 28 (Wed), the FINAL DEMODAY will be held in collaboration with Japan’s largest web3 conference, WebX.

​This event will feature the most projects and builders yet, as well as top speakers to motivate local builders. Come see the top-rated builders present their demos from the past four months of development.

​2024幎4月から開催されおいるアクセラレヌションプログラムWaveHack Global、玄4ヶ月にわたり300Kドルが500名ものビルダヌに分配されおきたした。

​7月にはIVS Crypto、EDCONず連携しお2回のDEMODAYが開催され、Aptos,ZKsync,The Graphなどをはじめずしたプロゞェクトから遞ばれたビルダヌたちによるデモピッチが行われたした。

​WaveHack Global IVS Crypto THE DEMODAY


​WaveHack Global EDCON DEMOAY


​8/28(æ°Ž)、぀いにそのラストを食るFINAL DEMODAYが日本最倧のweb3カンファレンスWebXず連携しお開催されたす。



​📣Finalist Builders

​🀝Guest Speakers


​Genki Oda

SBI Holdings | Managing Executive Officer


​Atsushi Kuwabara

bitbank | Head of Sales Division & Head of Business Development



Skyland Ventures | Principal VC

​Hiro Sakama

FEB | Founder


​Kousei Sho

Pacific Meta | Co-Founder and Head of BD


​Tatsuya Kohrogi

Ginco SG PTE. LTD. | Head of APAC


​Koki Hosogane

0x Consulting Group | Founder



​URL :

​Emi Yoshikawa

Ripple,Inc | VP, Strategic Initiatives



XRP Ledger Protocol Ecosystem Developer



​Evan Shapiro

Mina Foundation | Founder


​David Passion (httpz)

Mina Foundation | Head of APAC



​Denis Fadeev

ZetaChain | Head of Dev Experience



​Hidekazu Kondo

Japan Open Chain | Co-Founder

​Yoshikazu Nishimura

​Japan Open Chain | Co-Founder



​Tokuro Uhara

Xenea | CEO/Co-founder



​Yuki Asaka

​Gumi | OSHI3 Director



​Shunsuke Murasaki

Chief of Staff | EMURGO



13:30-Opening Speech

13:35-日本のCryptoスタヌトアップのポテンシャル | The potential of Japanese crypto startups

Genki Oda | SBI Holdings
Atsushi Kuwabara | Bitbank
Yonkuro | Skyland Ventures

​14:05-XRPL Keynote

​14:10-Xenea Keynote

​14:15-JOC Keynote

​14:20-DEMO PITCH by Builders

​15:10-グロヌバルトッププロゞェクトが日本に泚目をしおいる理由 | Why top global projects are turning their attention to Japan

​​Hiro Sakama | FEB
​Kousei Sho | Pacific Meta
Tatsuya Kohrogi | Ginco SG PTE. LTD.
Koki Hosogane | 0x Consulting Group

​15:40-Mina Protocol Keynote

​15:45-ZetaChain Keynote

​15:50-EMURGO Keynote

​15:55-OSHI3 Keynote

​16:00-DEMO PITCH by Builders

​16:50-Close Speech

​🧑🏻‍💻Free co-working and meeting space for WebX participants



​With the support of our venue partner Accenture, we will also be providing co-working space to visitors.

​If you need to discuss with a partner you met at WebX or have an emergency meeting, you can use the co-working space on the venue free of charge.

​If you would like to use the co-working space, please apply when you register, or ask a venue staff member on the day.


​Accenture Innovation Hub Tokyo(Map)
Sumitomo Fudosan Azabu Juban Building 8F, 1-4-1 Mita Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0073

It is a 10-minute walk from the WebX venue.

​​🌐What is WebX

​WebX2024 is produced by CoinPost, Japan's largest Web3 media.
The event will take place on August 28th and 29th, 2024 at The Prince Park Tower in Tokyo.

​WebX2024 is Asia's largest global conference gathering professionals related to crypto assets, blockchain, and other Web3 technologies, offering visitors a direct interaction with companies, experts, entrepreneurs, investors, government officials, and media from Japan and abroad.



​ETHGlobal × AKINDO Hackers Night for Next Build🛠

​Entry here🍻

Wed, Aug 28, 7:00 PM GMT+9

​䞖界最倧のハッカヌコミュニティであるETHGlobalをパヌトナヌに迎え、日本らしい情緒を感じるこずができる虎ノ門暪䞁で最高のハッカヌ達ず共にこのWaveHack Globalのフィナヌレを締めくくりたす。

​WaveHack Global will conclude at Toranomon Yokocho, where you can feel the quintessential Japanese atmosphere.

​これたでのWaveHack Globalの党関係者を招いおのアフタヌパヌティずなりたす。ビルダヌ、各プロゞェクト、スポンサヌなど日本のCryptoをサポヌトするコアが集たるこのパヌティぞどうぞご参加ください。

​This will be an after-party inviting all those involved in WaveHack Global so far. Please join us for this party where builders, projects, sponsors, and other core members who support crypto in Japan will gather.

​Place: Toranomon Yokocho
Sake Shokudo Toranomon Distillery
※The most popular and most spacious restaurant in Toranomon Yokocho!
Time:19:00-21:30pm 28th(Wed) Aug
Price: Free (all-you-can-eat and drink)
Capacity: 100


​Q.誰でもWaveHack Global WebX DEMODAYにオヌディ゚ンスずしお参加できたすか




​Q.WaveHack Global WebX DEMODAYに賞金はありたすか



​A.基本的にはこのWaveHack Global WebX DEMODAY、たた過去のWaveHack Globalに参加したビルダヌ、関係者、オヌディ゚ンスのためのアフタヌパヌティずなっおいたす。

​今回のFINAL DEMODAYにオヌディ゚ンス参加した方であればどなたでも参加できたす。たずはこのペヌゞぞご登録をお願いしたす。

​Q. Can anyone participate in the WaveHack Global WebX DEMODAY as an audience member?

​A. Yes, anyone can participate in this DEMODAY for free. If you would like to pitch your demo at this event as a builder, please enter your product here.

​Q. Is it close to the WebX venue, The Prince Park Tower Tokyo?

​A. Yes, it is a 10-minute walk, and you can walk between the venues. Please refer to the map here.

​Q. Are there prizes at WaveHack Global WebX DEMODAY?

​A. It depends on each Grant partner project. Basically, there is no prize, but the most highly rated product will inevitably receive a Grant through WaveHack.

​Q. Can anyone attend the after party at Toranomon Yokocho?

​A. Basically, it is an after party for builders, related parties, and audience members who have participated in this WaveHack Global WebX DEMODAY and past WaveHack Global events.

​Anyone who participated in the FINAL DEMODAY as an audience member can participate. First, please register on this page.


​If you have any questions please ask here.

Accenture Innovation Hub Tokyo
Sumitomo Fudosan Azabu Juban Building, 䞁目--1 侉田 枯区 東京郜 108-0073, Japan
It is a 10-minute walk from the WebX venue. It is on the 8th floor of the Sumitomo Fudosan Azabu-Juban Building.
Avatar for Road to WaveHack Global Winter
This is the calendar of KBW's Builder Focus events.