Cover Image for The Socratica Symposium (W24)
Cover Image for The Socratica Symposium (W24)
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The Socratica Symposium (W24)

Sold Out
This event is sold out and no longer taking registrations.
About Event

‼️ ‼️ ‼️ WE ARE NOW AT CAPACITY ‼️ ‼️ ‼️

If you are registering now, there is a chance we might not be able to accommodate you :( We recommend checking out our website, and subscribe for future events


About the Symposium

35+ diverse and high-effort passion projects at varying stages of completion from throughout the term. Come by, see demos, ask questions, meet cool friends, and have dinner on us!

Coming to Waterloo:

You must RSVP to attend this event - this will help us manage how much food to get + other logistics! 

​We are committed to making the spaces we hold feel welcoming for everyone, and each time we come together we expect all guests to adopt a host mindset to help us keep this magic alive. By participating in this event, you agree to not be the reason we have to make a new rule (all rules exist for a reason), you will clean up your garbage (and the occasional additional cup), and if you see someone standing alone in the corner, you will go be their friend.

See you soon!! 😁✨💯🎉🔥

What's Socratica?

​Socratica is a live co-working session hosted every Sunday to bring together Waterloo's builders, creative technologists, budding founders, and more to work on their passion projects. It's time carved out for deep work, giving you space to finally work on the project you've always been itching to start. Demo, eat food, receive feedback, find inspiration in new friends, and explore your intellectual curiosities <3

Who's it for?

​Makers, artists, learners, researchers, and founders. If you are writing a world-shattering newsletter, wanting a burst of creative output on your next piece of art, building the next moonshot company, or shipping that side-project, come join!


Socratica and event organizers are not responsible for any claims related to damage, loss, or injury to person or property. We expect all attendees to comply to our code of conduct and agree to be in our photographs and media that will be shared online, unless requested not to.

​By RSVP'ing to this sponsored event, you agree to share your information with all of our sponsors. Our sponsors are relationship-based venture capital firms that will not share or sell your information to third parties, but instead use it to help to communicate future opportunities and events with you.

Hagey Hall
200 University Ave W, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
Humanities Theatre
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Your one-stop-shop for all Socratica events and co-working sessions hosted in Waterloo. Find a node near you: