Calgary Creator Nights | January
As we step into 2025, join us for a creator fireside chat & workshopping session dedicated to shaping your creative vision and goals!
Our first Creator Night of the year will be on January 28th, from 6:00-8:30. We’ll be bringing in Sean Walker & Trenten Bingham, Content Creators and 2mro Founders (check their app out at for a short Fireside Chat, then break into small group workshopping sessions to encourage you to share or identify what your goals are and how to achieve them with support and accountability from others in the community. Alongside guests Sean & Trenten, members from the Mas Studios and Socality teams will also be on hand to provide insight and support to the groups. The goal is for you to leave with a least one tangible next step to move forward throughout the year and meet a growing community of peers and mentors to provide insight and accountability along the way.
Creator Nights are a monthly collaborative community event series by House 831, Socality, & Mas Studios.