Cover Image for Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress by W3PN @ Devcon 7
Cover Image for Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress by W3PN @ Devcon 7
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Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress by W3PN @ Devcon 7

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About Event

Join the largest freedom & privacy activism gathering facilitated by the Web3Privacy now collective

The wind of change is blowing through Ethereum. The time has come to evolve from mass consumption to a culture of high values. Where decentralization, freedom, privacy, and politics are not empty words, but part of activism toward a more just world.

Here and now, Ethereum has a chance to make a breakthrough - perform a revolutionary act that millions have dreamed of for so long. To accomplish this, today's degens need to evolve into cypherpunks.


We already have powerful cryptography, great scientists, talented developers, active communities, hackathons like ETHBerlin or ETHRome, researchers, and tooling from Railgun to Fluidkey.

Lasting cultural phenomenon

Focusing on values, active political stance, and cutting-edge research will help Ethereum become a cultural & resilient to change phenomenon.

We are talking not only about the existence of privacy-preservation dapps, but Free & Open-source software development, support for free speech and whistleblowers around the world, helping marginalized people get access to the decolonial money system, safe & empowered tech, and last but not least - diverse and active communities of care.

Ethereum Social Layer (ESL)

It is being formed before our eyes - an active ecosystem of thousands of thinkers, developers, analysts, human-rights DAOs, coordinators, and even ravers. Inspired by cypherpunks of the past, they create a foundation for the digital community of the future (explore our Cyherpunk personas article). Based on permissionless & censorship-resistance ideology. Follow Paul Dylan-Ennis on ESL.


The debut Ethereum Cypherpunk Congress assembles an active part of Ethereum. These people and organizations want to stand at the foundations of the unstoppable socio-techno-cultural movement.

They are activists, developers, cryptographers, ethical investors, philosophers, and researchers who are changing the possibilities for Ethereum on the path to freedom.

High-level agenda

  • craft conditions needed to overcome challenges mapped in “Make Ethereum Cypherpunk again” essay

  • present Ethereum Privacy Ecosystem and its key players

  • explore socio-cultural conditions re-wiring degens into cypher-activists

  • build a mainstream culture around cypherpunk - make it an open and inclusive movement

  • remind of the origins of Ethereum ethos

  • articulate balance between open-source culture & financial sustainability behind projects

  • ​map the way to onboard 100K developers & 10M users experiencing safe Ethereum-centric privacy tech

Contribute to the development of the cypherpunk culture of Ethereum. Everyone will be welcome here, from activists defending the rights of developers to degens who finally want to find a strong meaning in life.

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Research project & community about privacy in Web3 industry ( All events:
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