Startup Storytelling Challenge at SPC-India
SPC-India invites Bangalore founders, researchers, and technologists to join us for a social evening with a central challenge: can you give a good 5 minute presentation?
To attend, you must submit details of what you want to present. This doesn't have to be a formal pitch or polished demo or even startup related—the point is to practice the format! Your presentation could be:
a product or technical demo
a lightning talk
a pitch
Here is the catch: the 5 minute time limit will be VERY STRICTLY ENFORCED. That's the challenge (and the fun)! Presenters will get feedback and tips from the audience and SPC Partner and Chief Storyteller Jonathan.
If you are up to the challenge? Do you have what it takes to keep it short? Join us for a fun evening practicing the most important skill of all: storytelling!
*note: depending on attendance, it might not be possible for everyone to present, but all attendees must be prepared to present!