Cover Image for shippin' hours 01 by sfhackerhouse
Cover Image for shippin' hours 01 by sfhackerhouse
Avatar for hsrhackerhouse
Presented by
Hosted By
36 Going
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About Event

what is hsrhackerhouse?
we're a community of people who come together and build cool stuff. we're HQ'd in bangalore, india and are a community of around 600 folks, we meet every weekend and build cool stuff
and now, we're doing our first ever build session in sf!

what is shippin' hours?
a 4-5 hour session in a workspace to work on your individual builds/projects with other folks. we talk about updates + brainstorm, for 30 mins at the end.

what can you ship/build/work on?
you can work on anything -- your personal projects, portfolio websites, startup ideas etc. (surprise us!)

here's how it'll be :-
a four-ish hour event with pomodoros to work on your ideas and 10 minute breaks in bw them. this is followed by a 30 min updates+discussion session.

this is our first ever session in sf! come thru and ​build cool stuff with us <3

235 Montgomery St Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, USA
Avatar for hsrhackerhouse
Presented by
Hosted By
36 Going