Cover Image for "Find The Others" Meetup in Lisbon (Sponsored by The Pathless Path Community)
Cover Image for "Find The Others" Meetup in Lisbon (Sponsored by The Pathless Path Community)
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"Find The Others" Meetup in Lisbon (Sponsored by The Pathless Path Community)

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Lisboa, Lisboa
Past Event
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About Event

This is a friendly meetup sponsored by Paul Millerd's Pathless Path Community. It is open to members and non-members. It is hosted by Kelly Davis.

This is a good chance to meet others curious about unconventional work paths, online creation, writing, freelancing, travel, and more.

The pathless path community is centered around helping people "find the others" on unconventional paths and includes but is not limited to nomads, freelancers, self-employed, entrepreneurs, job-hoppers, vagabonds, and curious humans. It is a creation of Paul Millerd, the author of The Pathless Path and the Pathless newsletter.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Lisboa, Lisboa
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12 Went