LPs & Family Offices Summit - How to Deploy in the Age of AI
What to Expect
What to Expect
As AI innovation continues to accelerate—investors worldwide are rethinking their strategies to capture the next wave of growth. Timed to coincide with NVIDIA’s GTC, this event brings together Family Offices, Founders and Venture Capital leaders to explore the changing landscape of AI-driven opportunities. Here’s what to expect:
Founders: Forge meaningful relationships with investors and LPs, and discover practical M&A strategies for successful exits.
Investors: Connect with top-tier LPs to gauge deployment trends, and uncover promising founders poised to reshape tomorrow’s market.
LPs: Network with fellow family offices, identify emerging GPs to invest in, and stay ahead of the next wave of tech-driven opportunities.
5:30 – 6:00 PM | Registration & Networking
Connect with top-tier investors and thought leaders over light refreshments.
6:00 PM – 6:40 PM | Panel 1: Family Office & FoF: Navigating Uncertainty, Uncovering Opportunities
Explore how Family Offices and FoFs navigate shifting macro landscapes, balancing safe harbors with high-growth opportunities.
6:40 PM - 7:20 PM | Panel 2: Investing in AI: Seizing the Next Tech Revolution as an LP
Top-tier VCs discuss large-scale AI models, computing power trends, and hot sectors to guide limited partners’ allocations.
7:20 – 8:00 PM | Panel 3: The M&A Landscape for AI Startups: PE Strategies & Integration
Explore how PE firms acquire and merge AI startups, reshaping growth trajectories for existing tech companies and introducing AI-driven solutions.
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: VIP Dinner & Networking
Enjoy a curated Dinner while connecting directly with panelists and industry peers.
The guest list included a wider range of notable venture capital firms and companies, such as a16z, Skydeck Fund, StartX, iSeed Ventures, Darwin Ventures, UniGlobe Capital & LongRiver Capital, Applied Ventures, Saptiva.com, varavis.com, JUE Capital, svcircle.com, generalcatalyst.com, Lifamilyoffice.com, Bay Bridge Ventures, Apperture Sarl, synergiscap.xyz, Adlyse.con, neythrifuturesfund.com, aventurine.com, miracleplus.com, Access Ventures, andersen.com, Avenir Capital, digiworld.io, Orchestro.ai, j2vp.com, B Capital, cerebralvalley.ai, globalmillennialcapital.com, copilothealth.com, synexis.io, 500.co, Ince Capital, griffingp.com, tsvcap.com, Starward Games, bayareafoundersclub.com, 33n.vc, corespeed.io, farmzz.com, Workoptional.ai, jzlcapital.xyz, Codeium.com, Cpspcb.com, deep tech startup, inference.ai, vuventurepartners.com, datastrato.ai, herenowai.com, Lazarev.agency, olivetechventures.notion.site, rackhouse.vc, z5capital.com, awaketeams.com, collov.ai, chromium.vc, missionstcapital.com, Nexentria Inc, akool.com, arcanum.capital, nexentria.com, progressive.vc, Alm.ventures, antgroup.com, endurancecos.com, ALM.Ventures, Rocketship.vc, Code&Cakes, kxvc.tech, cloudalpha.com, Depthvc.com, CoreNest.com, vuvpfund.com, iSeed Ventures, valia.vc, embedding.vc, plugandplaytechcenter.com, allscale.io, Edgewood ventures, Instabug, Shu AI Inc., finazon.io, Yottasecure.com, Amazon AI, Mighty Capital, Zudbuy, withPipeline.com, sk.com, realfresh.pet, lattitudeventures.com, lvlup.ai, Cogitativo, cotacapital.com, nttvc.com, network.vc, agent2.ai, Perplexity, paypal.vc, fleak.ai, Sprintlypartners.com, Vibranium.VC, superset.com, aipartners.dev, Missionstcapital.com, swarms.ai, nevasgr.com, leadpath.pro, starwardgames.com, langrenusfund.com, Echoher.org, remymoney.com, Olhso Robotics
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