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Hong Kong
BTC HK - bitcoin meetup IFC P4 Rooftop Garden(tables outside Shake Shack) (Mar 13th Thu, 2025)
About Event
We welcome everyone to join our monthly public meet-up, talk to Bitcoiners, install a wallet and even trade some Sats. We also encourage Members to trade products or services for BTC, like in a Bitcoin flea market. Totally free, BAHK public meet-up is the best place for HK people to start their Bitcoin journey. Do spread the word among your contacts! Register at: lu.ma/bitcoinorghk
Bitcoin devs and splitting bills with bitcoin or lightning is welcome. Also welcome if you are late but before 8:45 PM.
IFC P4 Rooftop Garden(out side Shake Shake). We will take a few tables randomly. Text us on Telegram if you cannot see us. Telegram group link