Road after Devcon:Devconの振り返り
Devcon is an intensive introduction for new Ethereum explorers, a global family reunion for those already a part of our ecosystem, and a source of energy and creativity for all. 🥳
“Road after Devcon: Devconの振り返り” is brought to you by the gracious support of Road to Devcon (RTD), a series of Ethereum events and educational initiatives leading up to and following Devcon, organized by the local communities in and near Southeast Asia.
Devconに参加した方も、参加できなかった方も、Devcon公式 Devcon Satellite Eventsの日本版イベント「Road after Devcon:Devconの振り返り」を、渋谷Centrumで開催します。🇹🇭
🫶 Host: Curvegrid, Ethereum Japan, Devcon
📽️ Venue: Centrum
🔔 日時: 12月6日(金曜日)午後19:30
📍 場所: Centrum (〒150-0041 東京都渋谷区神南1-23-10 東急渋谷駅前ビル MAGNET 4F)「渋谷駅」A12出口直結、A7a出口より徒歩1分
🕢 タイムテーブル
19:15: 受付開始
19:30 - 20:15: Devconセッション視聴・パネルディスカッション
20:20 - 21:00: Dapp開発ワークショップ
21:00: Networking
22:00: 終了
💡 Who is this event for?:
DevconやEthereum Foundationについて関心のある方
📖 Agenda:
高速dapp開発ワークショップ:ETHGlobal Bangkokハッカソンでは、上位10名のファイナリストのうち2名がCurvegridの開発プラットフォームMultiBaasを活用。興味のあるビルダーには、MultiBaasの少人数ワークショップを行い、30分でdapp作成を一緒にしましょう
🎤 Speakers:
今回のイベントを主催するCurvegridからJeff Wentworth、他Ethereum エコシステムに貢献している日本からのDevcon参加者がディスカッションに参加予定です。
Jeff Wentworth, co-founder of Curvegrid
Seiya Ohata, CTO of MonoBundle, Head of Centrum
Sho Hihara, Director of Ethereum Japan
gohan, Ethereum Foundation PSE Grantee, zkVM scholar
Shinichiro Kinjo, founder of AKINDO
Yudai Suzuki, founder of Fracton Ventures
Yuki, Ethereum Japan, REAZON
🌍 What is Devcon?
2年に1回開催されるイベントには、今回最多の12,500人が135カ国から参加。(2024年開催日程:2024/11/12〜2024/11/15)Official website:https://devcon.org/en/
(English below)
Whether you attended or missed Devcon in Bangkok, the Japanese version of the official Devcon Satellite Events, “Road after Devcon: takeaways from Devcon” will be held at Shibuya Centrum. This event is sponsored by the Devcon team. 🇹🇭
All builders and others involved or interested in the Ethereum ecosystem are welcome to attend!
🕢 Timetable
19:15: Doors open
19:30 - 20:15: Devcon streaming and discussions
20:20 - 21:00: MultiBaas workshop
21:00 - 22:00: Networking
💡 Who is this event for?:
Builders of products related to the Ethereum ecosystem
Builders interested in learning more about Devcon and the Ethereum Foundation
Builders who have participated in hackathons
📖 Agenda:
Watch recordings of the most talked-about sessions from the 659 talks given at Devcon
Discussion to review the updates and issues presented at Devcon
Speedrun your blockchain application development: at ETHGlobal Bangkok, 2 of the top 10 finalists utilized Curvegrid’s development platform, MultiBaas. For any interested builders at the event, we can do a small group workshop of MultiBaas and create a blockchain application in 30 minutes.
🎤 Speakers:
Jeff Wentworth from Curvegrid, the organizer of this event, and other Devcon participants from Japan who are contributing to the Ethereum ecosystem will join the discussion.
Jeff Wentworth, co-founder of Curvegrid
Seiya Ohata, CTO of MonoBundle, Head of Centrum
Sho Hihara, Director of Ethereum Japan
gohan, PSE Grantee, zkVM
Shinichiro Kinjo, founder of AKINDO
Yudai Suzuki, founder of Fracton Ventures
🌍 What is Devcon?
Devcon is the world's largest developer conference focused on Ethereum and Blockchain technologies.
The 7th biennial event attracted a record 12,500 attendees from 135 countries, this time in Bangkok, Thailand from November 12-15, 2024. https://devcon.org/en/