Cover Image for workshop v0.1: Accelerating Drug Discovery & Development with AI
Cover Image for workshop v0.1: Accelerating Drug Discovery & Development with AI
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Presented by
we just want to hang out with other nerds and build cool shit
39 Going

workshop v0.1: Accelerating Drug Discovery & Development with AI

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Miami Beach, Florida
About Event

Dive deep into how artificial intelligence is accelerating drug discovery and development.

Showing how to move biology into a quantitative engineering discipline and applying ML to accelerate drug development.

6:00 pm doors open
6:45 pm workshop begins
7:30 pm hack on your own project

About Filipp:
Filipp is currently working on independent projects to accelerate the development and discovery of drugs. He previously worked as a Software Engineer at Amazon in their Robotics team and a full stack engineer at Cisco Meraki. His educational background is in biology and academic lab research.

About hello_miami:
We're building the center of gravity for engineers and technical hobbyists in Miami. We just want to hang with other nerds, build cool shit, play with new tech, and have a good time.

About Longevity BioTech Fellowship:
A non-profit that grows and connects the longevity industry. The Longevity Biotech Fellowship helps its members build, join, or invest in revolutionary longevity biotechnology projects.

About Longevity Acceleration Fund:
An accelerator + opportunistic fund that invests in founders building technologies to extend lifespan indefinitely.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Miami Beach, Florida
Avatar for hello_miami
Presented by
we just want to hang out with other nerds and build cool shit
39 Going