Design & Dine: Breakfast at IDEO
The demise of higher ed may be dominating headlines, but those of us in leadership and in the trenches of serving students and making these institutions run know that there are bright spots of innovation and experimentation. At IDEO, we have a portfolio of work centered around enabling innovators within the higher ed space to build toward the aspirational future we know is possible.
Please join IDEO x FOHE along with Cambridge and Boston-area founders, educators, operators, investors, and advocates across traditional and alternative higher ed, workforce development, and corporate learning for an honest, humble, and creative in-person breakfast where we will use IDEO’s design tools for futuring to…
…understand what’s possible so we can decide what’s preferable
…make decisions today accordingly for the tomorrows we seek
…persuade others we need to bring along in order to actualize the changes we want today
…build confidence to say ‘yes’ to more ambitious ideas about the future of higher education
One person or company will not have all the answers, but we believe that we can all get to the futures we want, faster, when we come together across sectors and disciplines in the system to imagine what’s possible.
Date: July 18th, 2024
Optional Networking + Noshing: 8:30-9:00am
Main Event: 9:00-10:00am
Optional IDEO Tour and Coworking: 10:00am-11:30am
This is an in-person only event. Limited free parking in IDEO’s lot.