How can we incubate a healthy, collaborative accessibility community in LocalGov Drupal?
Hosted by Maria Young - Agile Collective / Open Digital Cooperative
The panel
Mike Gifford is a Senior Strategist at CivicActions and a thought leader on digital accessibility in the public sector. He is a Certified Professional in Web Accessibility (CPWA), a W3C Invited Expert and recognized authoring tool accessibility expert. Mike has spearheaded accessibility improvements in Drupal since 2008, and has served as a Drupal Core Accessibility Maintainer in 2012.
Nova Constable is Digital Lead for content design and engagement at Luton Council. Since the government announced PSBAR legislation, she has been heavily focused on accessibility, and has created training courses and guides to raise awareness about it in her council. She is planning to begin a Digital Accessibility Specialist Apprenticeship next year.
Ryan Falcon-Hay is the website manager for Hammersmith and Fulham council. He is a champion for digital accessibility within his council and has been contributing back to LocalGov Drupal by leading the Publications working group.
A panel of accessibility specialists from the open source, Drupal and LocalGov Drupal communities, discussing what we can do to support, champion and grow the accessibility community within LocalGov Drupal.
What can we learn from other communities?
How can we support more people to get involved?
How can we skill more people up?
How can we encourage collaboration and contribution?
With thanks to our sponsor, Home Connections.