Cover Image for The Ultimate Risk: RISC-V
Cover Image for The Ultimate Risk: RISC-V
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34 Went

The Ultimate Risk: RISC-V

Hosted by Bitcoin Queen
Past Event
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In light of innovation, research, and just flat-out paving the way to an optimal future in the blockchain industry- it's important to have conversations around the "what if's".

Since 2018, WebAssembly or "WASM" has dominated the conversation as the "alternative" to Ethereum's EVM.

Over the last few years, Solana's BPF and Move have emerged as viable alternative environments, with a number of other virtual machines being released. There is however, still no clear challenger to the EVM's dominance as a standard across the blockchain industry.

RISC-V has been a topic of conversation lately as research continues to expand on the ideas around building flexible, efficient systems made to last.

Join the conversations from projects and builders regarding blockchains utilizing the RISC-V instruction set: the pros, the cons, and the future

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34 Went