Cover Image for ZK Hack Meetup in Brussels
Cover Image for ZK Hack Meetup in Brussels
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ZK Hack Events

ZK Hack Meetup in Brussels

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Bruxelles, Bruxelles
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About Event

** ZK Hack Meetup #5 in Brussels **
Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines

Whether you’re a longstanding member of the ZK Hack community, or just curious about zero-knowledge technology, join us on Tuesday July 9th at 18:00 in Brussels!

This 5th ZK Hack Meetup is produced in partnership with our Top Sponsors Polygon, RISC Zero, Starknet & Succinct, and our Based Sponsors Brevis, Lagrange & Aligned.

It's the opportunity to meet fellow ZK enthusiasts, listen to our speakers talking about zkVMs, and have a good time!
Check out the event timeline, and see you in Brussels!

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Bruxelles, Bruxelles
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ZK Hack Events