🥳 Pitch Party w/ Rachel
​Let’s make pitching FUN (not scary)! Getting clients is better with company – and a guide.
​Here’s how our community pitch parties go:
​You’ll log onto the call and in the first 5-10 mins every goes around and shares their goal for the session.
​We all go on mute for 40-50 mins to do focused work on those goals.
​At the end of the call, we share what we accomplished!
​You might want to download the Get Clients Guidebook and/or watch the Get Clients on LinkedIn webinar on YouTube.
​​In this session, we recommend following “How to spend 1 hour on LinkedIn” section (this won't be guided by our host – but you can follow it on your own in 10-15 min chunks).
​You might also want the Ideal Clients Tracker!
​If Rachel’s your host, you can also ask your questions about pitching during the call!