Svelte CoP in Berlin
[German below]
Everyone likes Svelte, even if it still hasn't made it into the job descriptions (not even here at CharITé). Let's talk more about it, exchange experiences and build a community of practice!
Talks for this meeting:
Ilja Sperling (Tagesspiegel) "Astro & Svelte - best of both worlds"
Astro is a fully featured (meta) framework with a focus on content: handling markup and images probably can't get easier than this. To add interaction, their "islands architecture" approach allows for integrating (and even mixing) popular frontend frameworks such as Svelte. In this live-coding session, Ilja will show us how to get the most out of Astro's and Svelte's respective perks and how this approach ranks against using SvelteKit. Ilja is a Berlin-based freelance and currently works at the Tagesspiegel Innovation Lab.
Florian Killius (enna) "3D in the browser with threlte"
How to built awesome 3D experiences with WebGPU and WebGL using threlte, the state-driven three.js wrapper for svelte.
Alle mögen Svelte, auch wenn es immer noch nicht in den Jobbeschreibungen angekommen ist (auch bei uns in CharITé nicht). Lasst uns mehr drüber reden, Erfahrungen austauschen und uns zusammentun!
Vorträge bei diesem Treffen:
Ilja Sperling (Tagesspiegel) "Astro & Svelte - best of both worlds"
Florian Killius (enna) "3D in the browser with threlte"
Start for online and onsite: 18:30
Doors open for on site participants: 18:00
On site:
Charité Campus Mitte | BALTIC
Invalidenstraße 120, 10115 Berlin