Cover Image for Delivering a high-integrity Voluntary Carbon Market: An update from ICVCM and VCMI
Cover Image for Delivering a high-integrity Voluntary Carbon Market: An update from ICVCM and VCMI
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Delivering a high-integrity Voluntary Carbon Market: An update from ICVCM and VCMI

Hosted by The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market
Past Event
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The Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets and the Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative are at COP28!

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Join us for a breakfast event! - Hear about how both organisations are working at pace to deliver the standards needed to ensure a high-integrity voluntary carbon market. This event will cover the significant work already delivered since COP27 by the two VCM standard setters, and set the scene for work to come in 2024. Our objective is to showcase the significant strides made since COP27, emphasizing the relentless pursuit of high-integrity standards crucial for a sustainable voluntary carbon market.

Event Highlights:

- ICVCM Update: Learn about the ongoing work of ICVCM, where senior figures will delve into the Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) quality label for voluntary carbon credits. Explore how CCP-labelled credits will spearhead a new era for the voluntary carbon market, playing a pivotal role in addressing the climate emergency.

- ICVCM Progress Report: Gain insights into the noteworthy accomplishments to date, the current assessments underway, and a glimpse into what to expect in 2024. Understand how ICVCM plans to elevate ambition over time for a more robust carbon market.

- VCMI Insights: VCMI will provide a comprehensive summary of its rulebook, the Claims Code of Practice, and unveil additional guidance released in anticipation of COP28. Discover how companies can make public VCMI Claims, supported by the Monitoring, Reporting, and Assurance Framework (MRA Framework), and branded Claims. Get a sneak peek into VCMI's roadmap for 2024.

Featured Speakers:

- Annette Nazareth, Chair, ICVCM

- Kelley Kizzier, Board Member, ICVCM

- Mark Kenber, VCMI Executive Director

- Kanyinke Sena, Board Member, ICVCM

The event that promises valuable insights, progress updates, and a collaborative exploration of the future landscape of voluntary carbon markets.🌱

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​More information: ICVCM and VCMI.

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