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Cover Image for UNCLOUD Day
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UNCLOUD brings together thinkers and hackers who share a passion for reimagining and remaking the web on a decentralized backbone.
12 Went
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About Event

The cloud has been captured by hyperscalers, leaving it opaque, vertically integrated, and fragile.

Disintermediated money brings back hope for some of the ideals of the early web: community owned, decentralized, and uncensorable.

UNCLOUD day brings together thinkers and hackers who share a passion for reimagining and remaking the web on a decentralized backbone.

  • In-depth talks

  • No shills

  • Interface between web3 pioneers and web2 establishment

🎯 Objective. Decentralize the Internet.

👀 Topics.

  • Applications of web3 tools to cloud and web infrastructure (identity, storage, compute, bandwidth)

  • Tools for running web3 infrastructure (proving markets, hardware acceleration, blockspace)

🕒 Schedule.

11:00 Venue doors open

11:30 What is Uncloud? Introductory remarks.

12:00 Name services, old and new: an ICANN perspective. Raoul Plommer (ICANN).

13:00 Lunch break.

14:00 From addresses to assets: ENS's role in decentralized infrastructure. Muhammed Tanrikulu (ENS).

14:45 Compliance strategies for blockchain organisations. Merit Leib (independent).

15:30 Bridging real-world and web2 identities with smart contract platforms. Mohammed Bongijärvi (independent).

16:15 Deploying software from a decentralized backend. Andrew Macpherson and Aata Hokoridani (DeBoot Project).

17:00 The GPU of the World's Computer. Chris Hobcroft (DeBoot Project).

18:00 Rump session at Otaku Izakaya feat. Jarkko Sakkinen (

20:00 Dinner at Lore Bistroo

👨‍🏫 Abstracts.

Speaker: Raoul Plommer

Title: Name services, old and new: an ICANN perspective

Abstract: All domains weren't created equal. What is the difference between DNS, ENS and Unstoppable Domains? How does web3 handle domain name disputes compared to ICANN?

Speaker: Chris Hobcroft

Title: The GPU of the World's Computer

Abstract: In 2017, the Livepeer community was born in the Ethereum ecosystem, aiming to create "the video component of web3". What entirely this meant at the time was unclear to most people involved, but what has emerged since is a minimum viable infrastructure for providing generalisable compute for digital video-related activities. Building on top of nascent cryptoeconomic primitives, and making heavy use of myriad onchain opportunities, Livepeer has evolved into a supranational network providing facilities to support the video production workflow, involving infrastructure operators, developers and creators. In 2024, the community has grown to critical mass, an onchain jurisdiction has arisen, and the project finds itself at the apex of Blockchain and AI. This talk aims to demystify this baby giant of "DePIN", and to share some insights into the progress of Livepeer.

Speaker: Muhammed Tanrikulu

Title: From addresses to assets: ENS's role in decentralized infrastructure.

Abstract: The talk explores how the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is changing the way we use decentralized systems. ENS simplifies blockchain interactions by allowing users to replace long, complex blockchain addresses with easy-to-remember names. We'll discuss the impact of ENS on digital asset management and digital identity, making blockchain technology more user-friendly and secure. The session will also explore how ENS is being integrated into various applications and its importance in the development of a decentralized internet. Attendees will learn about the critical role of ENS in improving the way blockchain technologies work and are used.

Speaker: Mohammed Bongijärvi

Title: Bridging real-world and web2 identities with smart contract platforms

Abstract: Public smart contract blockchains (like Ethereum, Mina..etc) are settlement layers that allow for programmable logic between transacting parties. There is an emerging design space that enriches this on-chain logic with context from the real world like one's age, proving employment at a specific company, proving a payment, income, and so on. But how and how do we make sure its real and not faked? Luckily, existing cryptographic tools such as the TLS protocol in HTTPS websites, DKIM signatures in emails, JWS in open banking payments, and RSA-signed passports by governments allow us to bring guaranteed data to blockchains today, without the need to convince traditional entities to adopt "web3"

Speaker: Merit Leib

Title: Compliance and compliance strategies in blockchain organizations

Abstract: I will review some of the key regulations and regulatory challenges affecting blockchain operations; including the GDPR, MLTFPA, etc, and explore the implications of global compliance standards set by the FATF and how they influence blockchain operations. Challenges include data privacy laws, AML regulations, and KYC/B/P requirements. Address the complexities introduced by the technology's immutable and decentralized nature.

I will then turn to highlighting several case studies that demonstrate how blockchain adjacent organizations successfully navigate compliance challenges, and discuss approaches for organizations to proactively prepare for regulatory change.

Speaker: Andrew Macpherson and Aata Hokoridani

Title: Deploying software from a decentralized backend.

Abstract: After a quick status update on the DeBoot project for bare metal deployments from a decentralized storage backend, we'll go on to outline a programme for integrating the now-ubiquitous infrastructure for deploying containers and other artefacts from OCI registries with Ethereum-native tooling such as Swarm, ENS, and smart accounts.

SIP Tallinn
Telliskivi 62, 10412 Tallinn, Estonia
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Presented by
UNCLOUD brings together thinkers and hackers who share a passion for reimagining and remaking the web on a decentralized backbone.
12 Went