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Expo & Pitch Event - Go Global
Hosted by Elite Ozer
Past Event
About Event
Space is limited - please be sure to RSVP now!
Meet our startups (raised over 8M and over 10M revenues)
Discover the future tech for leading industries: Fintech, Retail, Agritech, Fasion, AI and more
Meet our partners: Arieli ,Upgrade 100, How To Web , AmCham, Raiffeisen Bank Romania
Network with local and global investors and industry brands
Hosted at the vibrant Milan home for international VC's: MIVC
Enjoy a global tech vibe, drinks and refreshments
Agenda for the day:
03:00 PM: Guests arrival, registration at the front desk, welcome buffet
03:00 PM-04:00 PM: Expo area with 13 tables for startup networking
04.15PM: Opening remarks
04:30-05:30 PM: Startup pitches on stage
05:30 PM - Closing: final wrap-up
We look forward to seeing you there!
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