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Trenbolone Blend 200 - Trenbolone Acetate 100 Mg

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"Tri-Tren" Trenbolone Blend 200mg/ml (0 customer reviews) $ 110.00. First discovered in 1967, Tren was originally created for veterinary use, being injected into cattle approximately six weeks before slaughter. The enhanced ability of Trenbolone to synthesize protein allowed the animals to pack on muscle and bulk very rapidly. However, the ... TREN BLEND - Parabolin Blend - 200 Parabolin Blend - 200 is a potent lean mass builder and cutting agent. Trenbolone itself has always been the favorite pre contest drugs, regardless of the ester used in its delivery. Description MIX Tren Blend 200 - 10ml - Platinum. Tren Blend 200 is an oil-based solution of 3 Trenbolone esters mixed for intramuscular injection.TriTren is an anabolic steroid with significant anabolic and androgenic effects. The fast-acting ester (Acetate) produces a rapid increase in serum Trenbolone levels while the other 2 esters (Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Enanthate), which are ... The formulation is intended to provide more sustained release effect than the present trenbolone products found in the market. It is considers the king of trenbolone. It is equivalent sustanon 250. But this is a trenbolone not a testosterone. Parabolin Blend - 200 is a potent lean mass builder and cutting agent. Parabolin Blend - 200. ☀ This product should only be used after the doctor/trainer advice. Presentation : 10ml multidose vial x Trenbolone Acetate 80mg/ml, Trenbolone Enanthate 80mg/ml, Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate 40mg/ml. White colour flip off cap with Keifei® wording stamp on it. Each vial comes with 1 sets of 10 digits ...

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"Tri-Tren" Trenbolone Blend 200mg/ml (0 customer reviews) $ 110.00. First discovered in 1967, Tren was originally created for veterinary use, being injected into cattle approximately six weeks before slaughter. The enhanced ability of Trenbolone to synthesize protein allowed the animals to pack on muscle and bulk very rapidly. However, the ... TREN BLEND - Parabolin Blend - 200 Parabolin Blend - 200 is a potent lean mass builder and cutting agent. Trenbolone itself has always been the favorite pre contest drugs, regardless of the ester used in its delivery. Description MIX Tren Blend 200 - 10ml - Platinum. Tren Blend 200 is an oil-based solution of 3 Trenbolone esters mixed for intramuscular injection.TriTren is an anabolic steroid with significant anabolic and androgenic effects. The fast-acting ester (Acetate) produces a rapid increase in serum Trenbolone levels while the other 2 esters (Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate and Enanthate), which are ... The formulation is intended to provide more sustained release effect than the present trenbolone products found in the market. It is considers the king of trenbolone. It is equivalent sustanon 250. But this is a trenbolone not a testosterone. Parabolin Blend - 200 is a potent lean mass builder and cutting agent. Parabolin Blend - 200. ☀ This product should only be used after the doctor/trainer advice. Presentation : 10ml multidose vial x Trenbolone Acetate 80mg/ml, Trenbolone Enanthate 80mg/ml, Trenbolone Hexahydrobencylcarbonate 40mg/ml. White colour flip off cap with Keifei® wording stamp on it. Each vial comes with 1 sets of 10 digits ...