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Minimum Viable Stack for Startups

Past Event
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Calling all non-technical founders - Join us in this online session with bMightie expert, 💡Aliaksei, who will discuss the minimum viable tech stack for startups, latest web technology trends, and more 🚀.  

🌟About Aliaksei Kuncevič, Founder of Angular Consulting -

With over 15 years of experience in the tech industry, Aliaksei is a Technology Insider and a Director and Founder of Angular Consulting, a company that provides IT services and solutions based on Modern Web Technology and Angular framework.  

Additionally, Angular Consulting, as a technical partner to various startups, understands the challenges facing both startups and scaleups.

Aliaksei will share his insights on implementing innovative ideas using modern technologies showcasing both short-term and long-term software strategies.

👉 Register to join us live or receive the recording.

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