Stride Stride 5K
Calling all Cosmonauts headed to Turkey for Cosmoverse 2023! The Stride team invites you on Sunday, October 1 at 16:00 local time to the ultimate warm up to an exciting week in the Cosmos! Join us for the first annual Stride Stride, in which we will get together to go for a run along the water and make fun new connections as we get into gear for the week ahead.
We will gather at Marina Balik on the waterfront near the conference venue (see map - near corner of Kuruçeşme Cd. and Kırbaḉ Sokağı). The length of the run is roughly ~4 kilometers long and we will run in a loop going north along the water directly to our stopping point about 2k out, then turn around and head directly back to our starting point. Notably, this is a race! While it is not required to participate competitively (jog or walk if you wish!), we will be giving a prize to our speediest Striders!
After the run has finished and everyone is back at the original meeting place, we invite you to join the Stride team for a casual night on the waterfront to hangout, meet people, and connect over drinks.
We recommend wearing comfortable clothes that you can break a sweat in! We'll be in t-shirts, exercise shorts, and running shoes. We encourage you to also bring sunglasses and a water bottle so you can stay hydrated as we go.
Meeting Time: 16:00
Run Starts: 16:15
Run Ends: by 17:00
Hangout Time: 17:00 onward
If you are planning to attend, please RSVP on this event page!