Cover Image for Stop Lurking And Start Liking Again | Guuuuurl...Listen S2 E16
Cover Image for Stop Lurking And Start Liking Again | Guuuuurl...Listen S2 E16
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Presented by
2 Going

Stop Lurking And Start Liking Again | Guuuuurl...Listen S2 E16

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Hey, ya'll! It's time we had a little chat about something that's been bugging me lately. You know that feeling when you're scrolling through your feed, seeing all those posts, but your finger just won't hit that like button? Yeah, we're talking about lurking, folks!

In our next episode of "Guuuuurl...Listen," we dive deep into this social media phenomenon. Why are so many of us hesitant to engage with content? Is it fear? Insecurity? Or perhaps we think that we're somehow preserving our own shine by not boosting others.

Let me tell you something, my fierce friends - that's some bull$#!t thinking right there! Your success isn't diminished by celebrating others. In fact, it's quite the opposite! So here's my challenge to you: Next time you're scrolling, leave a comment, share a post, or hit that damn like button! Let's create a community where we lift each other up instead of hiding in the shadows.

Remember, you beautiful souls, you didn't come this far in your journey of self-discovery to play small now. It's time to be seen, heard, and engaged with the world around you! Are you ready to step out of the lurker shadows? Share your thoughts below, and let's get this conversation started!

Avatar for GRHJack
Presented by
2 Going