Workathon Half Marathon @ Builder Studios
yeah, so....
I'm going to work all day on Wednesday the 22nd. My wife said I could work late, and I want to make the most of it.
I also want to mix things up.
Builder Studios and Venture Anyway is teaming up to create a work event to boost productivity, help you network, and more importantly make some major progress on your initiatives.
This is 12 hours of working with an hourly break to take a lap around the block. We might introduce other breaks as well. There's a chance we'll split up the breaks to 90 minutes to allow us to get into a work groove too.
Take one lap on avg. per hour and at the end of the day you will have run a 5K, or 3 miles.
2 laps each hour, 6 miles.
4 laps for 12.
8 laps for 24.
add 9 laps throughout the day and you've run a Marathon.
Enjoy a private workspace while you're here at Builder Studios.
Event is free for now so you'll cover your food expense - feel free to participate in our Costco run prorate - or we'll find someone crazy enough to sponsor this madness.
You in?