Alex Iglecia

I guide you to reconnect with your authentic self & bring clarity, purpose and power to everything you create | Former NASA Engineer turned Ninja-Yogi | BE EPIC


Alex guides disrupters who are here to create something good, speak truth, lead, teach and transform as they walk their own path and trust their epic life no matter what anyone else is doing.

Having been a high achiever before his 30s, Alex experienced intense breakdowns in nearly every aspect of life that helped get him aligned and authentic: body, marriage, finances, soul & spirit.

A former NASA engineer and Ninja-Yogi turned Body-Mind Alchemist, Alex has a Masters in Conscious Evolution from The Graduate Institute and his Bachelors in Materials Science and Engineering from Cornell University. More importantly, he lives deeply for the adventure of being. He discovered that it doesn't always matter what you do or what you know until you are willing to allow yourself the joy and love you are here to share. This is about embracing the mystery, value and authenticity of your unique embodiment. "Life isn't rocket science."

Alex developed Being EPIC as an approach to personal development and aligned action that empowers big visions and accelerates connection to strengths, values and self trust. With this shift and synthesis, people become uniquely free to see their contribution and do the inner and outer work to build a satisfying life of joy, wholeness, and divine play.