Cover Image for Partnering with Big Food:  How to build win-win Startup-Corporate collaborations | FoodHack Lisbon #6
Cover Image for Partnering with Big Food:  How to build win-win Startup-Corporate collaborations | FoodHack Lisbon #6
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Partnering with Big Food: How to build win-win Startup-Corporate collaborations | FoodHack Lisbon #6

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About this Event

FoodHack Lisbon meetups connect food tech entrepreneurs, investors, researchers, seasoned executives and managers from producers, retailers and service providers from the most relevant companies and institutions in the agrifood scene.

This event will focus on the advantages and challenges of partnering with Big Food companies to propel your growth. Leaders at some of the largest national and international food companies will tell you the secrets and trials of embarking on partnerships with these giants to grow your business.

We're lucky to have as guest speakers:

The event is free but registration is necessary.

FoodHack is the prime space to network with other folks in the intersection of technology, innovation, and the food sector, and hear from the food industry's thought and practice leaders.

Are you launching a new product? Are you looking for your next R&D expert or a co-founder? Are you looking for a job or an internship? Are you looking to have your product listed? Are you looking for support to expand internationally? Are you looking for a partner to develop a pilot or to join your R&D project consortium? Join our 30-second pitch session and share your business update with the audience (open to anyone).

Your hosts: Nuno Lopes Gama, FoodHack Lisbon Lead Ambassador, Pedro Conceição, FoodHack Lisbon Ambassador

Date : May 8th, 2024

Hour : 6:00- 9:00 PM

Venue: Praça Beato | Beato Creative Hub. FoodHack Lisbon is grateful to Praça Beato for the opportunity of having this edition at their great venue.

Language : English

The FoodHack Meetup concept:

Global food industry meetups to network, learn and get inspired.

Always free to attend and open to everyone.

Industry guest speakers speaking and answering questions from the audience.

Opportunity to pitch your business, venture, event, initiative on stage.

About FoodHack Lisbon:

FoodHack Lisbon is a chapter of FoodHack, a global community of startup founders, investors, researchers, producers, retailers and service providers who have in common an interest and activity in foodtech. People who share the desire to promote the development of businesses and collaborations in this area, because they believe that, at the base of long-term success, is helping those around to be successful. It's sending the elevator back to those who want to go up too.

FoodHack Lisbon is proud to have Sogrape and Continente Food Lab as Corporate Sponsors and being supported by Startup Lisboa, Nova School of Business & Economics, Casa do Impacto and 351 Startup Community.

Praça Beato
Tv. Grilo 1, 1950-145 Lisboa, Portugal
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Hack is a global community that inspires, connects and highlights climate founders, funders and operators.
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