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Oxymetholone is one of the more potent oral anabolic steroids we have at our disposal; for that matter, it is one of the more potent anabolic steroids we have period, oral or injectable. Commonly referred to as Anadrol Oxymetholone was developed in the 1960s to treat severe anemia and muscle wasting diseases and as such is generally a high. This steroid will carry nearly every last primary possible side effect of anabolic steroid use. Not only does this include things like gynecomastia, water retention, hair loss and acne, but it also includes liver toxicity. Oxymetholone is an oral steroid belonging to the C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) class of medications, and of all C17-aa. Anabolic activity of Oxy-lab is 320% of testosterone, androgenic - only 45%. Although this drug is not characterized by conversion into estrogen, it itself has an estrogenic effect. Oxy-lab is the most potent steroid taken orally (but this makes it toxic to the liver). GP Oxy is an oral steroid which contains 50 mg of the hormone Oxymetholone. GP Oxy is a very good drug for promoting massive gains in both strength and size. This steroid is very anabolic and will promote an increase in red blood cell count and appetite. The steroid was originally designed as a form of treatment for patients suffering from. https://sway.office.com/9BGfKZRLruMlPW2C ANABOLIC STEROIDS - QUESTIONS & ANSWERS; Oxy cycle; Results 1 to 13 of 13 Thread: Oxy cycle. LinkBack. LinkBack URL; About LinkBacks;. Yes I have tested before I ran a 6 week oxy cycle, but didn't follow it up with anything. I took nolvadex and milk thistle along side, as I was advised. I am 5ft 10inches, fluctuate between 11st 1 and 11st 5.
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