Cover Image for AMA Techstars Payments Accelerator Program with Tricia Martínez

AMA Techstars Payments Accelerator Program with Tricia Martínez

Hosted by Eli Becerril
Past Event
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About Event

Sobre Techstars Payments

Este programa se enfoca en soluciones innovadoras de tecnología financiera que abordan las brechas en la infraestructura de pagos en toda América Latina. Estamos buscando fundadores audaces en el espacio fintech que reconozcan la gran oportunidad en los mercados emergentes y que ya estén usando o estén interesados en usar blockchain para escalar su tecnología en los siguientes temas: billeteras digitales, infraestructura, transacciones/comercio electrónico, crédito/ deuda, identidad digital, infraestructura como servicio y educación financiera.

¿Tienes interés en aplicar al programa de aceleración Techstars Payments powered by Stellar and MoneyGram ? Únete a esta sesión y conoce a Tricia Martinez, Managing Director, y a Lisa Seymour, Program Director de esta aceleradora. Durante esta llamada nos compartirán brevente de lo que trata el programa y contestarán todas las preguntas que tengan los emprendedores y la audiencia.

Las aplicaciones al programa de aceleración Techstars Payments powered by Stellar and MoneyGram Accelerator están abiertas y cierran el 28 de Septiembre, 2022. Aplica aquí


About Techstars Payments

This program focuses on innovative fintech solutions addressing gaps across payments infrastructure throughout Latin America. We are looking for bold founders in the fintech space that recognize the massive opportunity across emerging markets, and who are already using or are interested in using blockchain to scale their technology across the following themes: digital wallets, infrastructure, transactions/e-commerce, credit/debt, digital identity, infrastructure as a service, and financial literacy.

Are you interested in applying to the Techstars Payments powered by Stellar and MoneyGram Accelerator? Join this event to meet Tricia Martinez, Managing Director, and Lisa Seymour, Program Director. They will kick off with a quick overview of the program and then jump in to answer any questions the audience may have. 

Applications for the Techstars Payments powered by Stellar and MoneyGram Accelerator are open now and closes on September 28th, 2022. Apply here