Cover Image for Navigating Triggers as Facilitators

Navigating Triggers as Facilitators

Past Event
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About Event

Have you ever had something happen in facilitation that completely threw you off? Sent you into an emotional spiral or took over your mind making you no longer present for your group? Have you ever reacted to a participant in a way you later regretted?

If so, you've probably experienced being triggered as a facilitator.

As facilitators, we're in a uniquely tricky position being responsible for holding the space for the emotional well-being of a group while having our own emotions and realities to navigate.

This event is all about how we can navigate our triggers as facilitators. 

You'll leave this event with:

  • A deep understanding of what happens when we get triggered

  • Strategies to prevent you from reacting to a trigger that's already fully activated you

  • An approach to help you prevent triggers from grabbing us and throwing us off base

  • Mindsets that you can establish before you get in the room that prevent triggers

This session will be led by Meg Bolger, head of Facilitator Cards, and co-author of Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation.

Meg has been doing social justice education and facilitation over a decade ago and knows how destructive it can be to not navigate your triggers well as a facilitator. Having spent many years running train-the-trainers and working with facilitators to level up their skills, Meg has had a lot of opportunities to hone in on how we as facilitators can navigate those moments successfully, to come back to being fully present with our groups, and respond rather than react to our participants.

In Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation, Meg and her co-author devoted an entire chapter to understanding what happens when we get triggered (using Dr. Kathy Obears Triggering Events Cycle) and exploring the different strategies we can employ when we get activated within a facilitation.

This session is designed specifically for folks who run and lead workshops, meetings, and trainings who want to learn how to stay present with their group when triggers arise.

Structure of the Session

This session will use a mix of live-polling, large group discussion, solo reflection time, and lecture throughout the session. This is not a webinar, you will need to be available to actively participate to get the most out of the session! If you cannot attend live, all who register will receive a link to the recordings.

​Logistical Details

​This session will be 90-minutes and take place on Zoom.

​There is a cap of 60 participants for the session.

No late arrivals — doors will close to the workshop after 15 minutes.

​Register and you’ll receive:

​✅ Access to the live training

​✅ Exclusive access to the recording of the training

​✅ Access to resources and detailed notes from the workshop


​The cost of the workshop is $49.

​If the cost is prohibitive or a deterrent to you attending the workshop, shoot us an email at and let us know if you need a partial (50%) or full (100%) scholarship in order to attend the workshop, and we'll get right back to you!


Who is this workshop for?

​Anyone who facilitates groups whether that’s leading meetings, trainings, workshops, or in traditional (or non-traditional) classroom settings. If you’re working with people who say things that activate or grab you and want more ideas for navigating that moment, this is the workshop for you.

I can’t swing the cost of the session are there ways I can attend for free?

Yes, shoot us an email at and include details about why you’re interested in the workshop and whether you would need a partial (50%) or full (100%) scholarship in order to attend the workshop.

Who’s Meg Bolger?

​Meg Bolger is the head of Facilitator Cards and a long-time social justice educator and facilitator trainer. Meg is the co-founder of The Safe Zone Project, co-author of Unlocking the Magic of Facilitation, and has been facilitating social justice education and training for over a decade. Meg is a geek about all things facilitation and loves to unpack the what, how, when, and why behind the things we can do as facilitators that make all the difference.

​Visit the Facilitator Cards YouTube channel to learn about Meg’s philosophy and approach to facilitation.

What is your refund policy?

​If you need one, let us know and we’ll make it happen.
Alternatively, you could consider turning your registration cost into a donation to support our scholarship fund!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Triggered by the word trigger?
Let us know! Drop us a line at and we'll get right back to you